Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Articles: U.C.L.A. girl rants on asians


I read an article called "U.C.L.A. Student Leaves School Over Anti-Asian Rant" on the New York Times, written by the Associated Press. It's about a girl who made a rant video (rant videos are people complaining about stuff) about Asians. It was published March 19, 2011.

When you read this, you will notice that the "Associated Press" is trying to be as neutral as possible. But alas, in a story like this, that's pretty much impossible. She leaves the college because her family is being harrassed and tortured, just because of her rant video.


Triad - A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe.
[French, from Old French, act of firing, from tirer, to draw out, endure, probably back-formation from martirant, present participle of martirer, to torture (influenced by mar, to one's misfortune,tiranz, executioner, tyrant), from martir, martyr, from Late Latin martyr . See martyr.]

Sentiments - 1. A thought, view, or attitude, especially one based mainly on emotion instead of reason: An anti-American sentiment swept through the country. See synonyms at feeling, opinion.
2. a.Emotion; feeling: Different forms of music convey different kinds of sentiment.
b.Tender or romantic feeling.
c.Maudlin emotion; sentimentality.
3. The emotional import of a passage as distinct from its form of expression.
4. The expression of delicate and sensitive feeling, especially in art and literature.
[Middle English sentement, from Old French, from Medieval Latin sentīmentum, from Latin sentīre , to feel.]

Ostrasize -
1. To exclude from a group. See synonyms at blackball.
2. To banish by ostracism, as in ancient Greece.
[Greek ostrakizein, from ostrakon , shell, potsherd (from the potsherds used as ballots in voting for ostracism).]

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